SQL Injection Intro
SQL Injection Advance
You can see the table userdata has 7 colums and the table user_system_data olnly has 4 colums, so the correct query to use union is:
SQL Injection Mitigation
Path traversal
2/ Path traversal while uploading files
Change full name to ../test and update profile:
3/ Path traversal while uploading files
../ is removed. But you can use ..././, and when ../ is removed, you will have ../
4/ Path traversal while uploading files
Not same as above challenges. Path won't be not update when you update your full name. But you can change filename.
5/ Retrieving other files with a path traversal
When you click "show random cat picture", a cat picture will be shown. Modify request, you can see the parameter id in response, this values is picture name.
use this parameter with value is something like ../, you will receive illegible character.
url encode this value : you will see secret file.
Final payload: %2e%2e%2f%2e%2e%2fpath-traversal-secret
Don't use .jpg because it will be added automatically.
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